Terms of Service & Condition Agreement
For the

Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle

By agreeing to this Terms of Service & Conditions Agreement, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, agree to and accept all the terms and conditions contained in this agreement.

I agree that by enrolling in the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle (herein referred to as “program”), I agree either:

i) to pay one payment of $695 for the program

ii) to pay 3 monthly payments of $255 for the program (payments due every 30 days after the initial payment)

iii) to pay 5 monthly payments of $165 for the program (payments due every 30 days after the initial payment)

The program begins November 22, 2019. I understand that I am entering into a binding contract with Eve Agee International LLC and Eve Agee PhD to enter into the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle Program and I am responsible for the full payment, which can be made as a 1-time payment of $695 or 3 payments of $255 or 5 payments of $165.  If I select the 3-payment option or the 5-payment option, I agree to pay in full the 3 or 5 payments (payments are due every 30 days after the initial payment), regardless of whether I actually attend the program.

I understand and agree that I have thirty calendar days from the commencement of the course on November 22, 2019 to request a full refund. I understand if I request a refund for any reason during the first thirty calendar days from the commencement of the course on November 22, 2019, I will receive a refund in full.  I understand that if requested in the first thirty days from the commencement of the program on November 22, 2019, I will not receive any bonuses from the program. I understand and agree that after thirty calendar days from the commencement of the course on November 22, 2019, all payments are non-refundable. I understand and agree that if I commit to a payment plan for this program, if I withdraw from this program any time after thirty calendar days from the commencement of the course on November 22, 2019, I will continue to pay in full for this training program and my payments will continue on the normal payment schedule I have agreed to pay, even if I do not commence this program or do not attend the classes. I agree that all sales are final after thirty calendar days from the commencement of the course on November 22, 2019 and I am responsible for full payment of program fees whether I select a lump sum or payment plan, and whether I attend the course or not.

I understand and agree that if I become unable to commence or continue this program and my training in it any time after thirty calendar days from the commencement of the course on November 22, 2019, I can inform Eve Agee International, LLC in writing to request that my payment be transferred to a future training program or other coaching services offered by Eve Agee International, LLC.  I understand that it will be at the discretion of Eve Agee International, LLC if this request is granted and all credits granted will expire within 12 months of written approval.

I understand that I will be charged a 10% late fee for all payments that are not received or unable to be processed by the agreed upon installment due date. I understand that if paying by payment plan, I fail to make a complete and full payment, I may become ineligible for this payment plan and may be fully responsible for the balance due immediately.

I understand that the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle will start November 22, 2019 and be twelve months (November 2019 – November 2020) and will be delivered via 2 virtual trainings per month, one of which will be conducted live and the other that I will receive as a pre-recorded video class that I can access at my own pace. I will receive digital recordings of all the live virtual classes afterwards. I understand that all live virtual classes will be conducted via webinar and I have the option to attend via computer or phone and that I will be responsible for payment of any internet or telephone fees I incur during these program trainings.

I understand that I will receive any bonuses that I qualify for if I join before the program begins on November 22, 2019. If the bonus includes a ticket to any live event, I understand that I am responsible for my travel to and from the live event, including transportation, food and lodging during the events. For the bonus giving you life long access to the online Awakened Gifts Accelerator Masterclass Series, please know that with any online content, technical issues can happen, so to best guarantee you have life long access to these materials, please download them from the membership site during the duration of the program.

I understand that this program and any recommendations, advice and services provided by Eve Agee International LLC, Eve Agee Ph.D., and Transform Coaching Academy™, are purely educational and informational in nature and do not constitute medical care, mental health care or financial advising.  I agree not to hold Eve Agee International LLC, Eve Agee, Ph.D., the Transform Coaching Academy™, liable for any accidents, losses, natural disasters, or acts of God that occur during this program.

Furthermore, I assume full responsibility for myself with regard to all risks, expenses and accidents that might occur while I participate in this in virtual Program, any live in-person events, or take part in any services provided by Eve Agee International LLC, Eve Agee Ph.D., and the Transform Coaching Academy™.

I understand that my registration only covers the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle Program beginning November 22, 2019 and any and all other expenses are not included. I understand that there are inherent risks and expenses in any professional or educational endeavor and that I will not hold  Eve Agee International LLC, Eve Agee, Ph.D., and Transform Coaching Academy™, responsible for any unknown expenses I experience.

I agree that if I violate this agreement I will be fully responsible for any collection fees and all legal fees, including any expenses that may be incurred by Eve Agee International LLC or Eve Agee, Ph.D. I hereby release and forever discharge the Eve Agee International LLC, Eve Agee, Ph.D., and Transform Coaching Academy™,from any and all claims, actions, demands and suits of any nature. I acknowledge that Eve Agee, Ph.D., and Eve Agee International LLC shall have the authority to choose the form and location of resolution of any dispute or claim in which they are involved.

I agree to respect the privacy of all program participants. I agree not to violate the privacy or publicity rights of any fellow program participants and will keep confidential all personal and proprietary information that is discussed by other participants during any aspect of the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle with other participants.

I understand that to assure that all participants have a positive program experience:  I agree that I will follow program guidelines and act respectfully to all staff and other participants.  I agree that if I become disruptive, difficult to work with, or impair the participation of program participants, disrupt the online program or live event, or disrupt and impede any scope of the work of the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle, as deemed by the sole discretion of the staff of Eve Agee International LLC, this company has the right to terminate this agreement and limit, suspend or terminate my participation in the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle Program without refund or forgiveness of payments.

I understand that Eve Agee, Ph.D., Eve Agee International LLC, Transform Coaching Academy™, and any other program instructors or special guests do not provide legal, accounting, tax, financial, medical or mental health advice and the information provided to me by the program instructors is not intended as such.  I understand, acknowledge, and accept that Eve Agee, Ph.D., of Eve Agee International LLC and Transform Coaching Academy™, are not licensed health care providers, MDs, NDs, psychologists, psychotherapists or any other health care or mental health care providers.  I acknowledge that I need to consult my health care provider before commencing any medical program or regimen, or taking any herbal remedies, supplements or other recommended treatments or suggestions.

I understand that every effort has been made to accurately represent the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle Program and that no guarantees have been made as to the potential for future success, financial earnings, or personal fulfillment. I agree that each individual’s success depends on many factors, including his or her background, personal circumstances, dedication, motivation, and desire and I acknowledge, as with any business endeavor, that there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee of any future financial earnings.  I agree to refer all legal, tax, health, medical, accounting, and financially related inquiries to appropriately qualified professionals.

I understand that as a participant in the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle Program, I grant permission to Eve Agee International LLC, the Transform Coaching Academy™, and Eve Agee, Ph.D., the right to use my name and voice and video participation, in whole or in part, from all audio, video and webcast recordings and the right to use my photo, voice and video participation, in whole or in part, of the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle Program and any Transform Coaching Academy™ live events, including individual coaching segments during the program, and question and answer segments for twelve months of the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle Program sessions, including any individual coaching by me or of me by Eve or other coaching participants, and questions and answers during the program and participation during the live event.  I acknowledge that by check marking the required Terms of Service box in the digital payment area or signing this document, my permission grants Eve Agee International LLC and Dr. Eve Agee the right to package in portions or in whole the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle Program including segments that contain my participation as individual products and also may be transcribed and reproduced in written form to be used individually or combined with other products.

I understand that the teachings, publications, methodologies, and materials imparted to or obtained by me during participation in the Awakened Leaders Mentorship Circle Program are the proprietary intellectual property of Eve Agee, Ph.D., Eve Agee International LLC and the Transform Coaching Academy™ and cannot be distributed, taught, sold, modified, or reproduced by me for any other purpose other than for conducting individual sessions with clients and for personal, non-commercial use. I understand that all materials in this program are protected by copyright laws and cannot be distributed, republished, broadcast, made into derivative works for sale or transfer, or reproduced by me for information products, publications, teaching any group programs, mastermind groups, coach training programs, Internet sales, videos, mp3s, audio programs, books, online group coaching programs, certification programs, or any other purpose, other than use during my coaching sessions with individual clients.

I have read (or have had read to me) this Terms of Service & Release of Liability and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions therein and adhere to the tenets of this contract.

© Copyright 2019 | Dr Eve Agee| All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy


© Copyright 2019 | Dr Eve Agee| All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy